Heather's Journal

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Dear Journal,

We have been discussing the big topic of racism in History class and I don't know why anyone complies to such terms as many people do subconsciously. We are all humans and that is all we should ever be to each other. No one should be treated any differently because of the color of their skin. We have come such a long way as a society, some of that being good and some bad, but the mindset that somehow a person is different because of the color of their exterior has not much wavered and that includes the animal kingdom as well. I hope future generations of humans, at least, can see what mistakes are presently being made and take a stand so that this world can be free of racism.
There are lots of different groups who are discriminated against each other; one in particular in America is the African American group. One of the reasons these "blacks" are looked down upon even in today's society is found in the word black itself. First of all, to start us off is a big one, the "black" plague helped to start a stereotype of black meaning bad, because there is just nothing good about this horrific disease. Then there's the black sea, an unpleasant place. Another huge example would be black symbolizing death in many poems and novels throughout history. All of this leads to the average white man, not all of them, looking at the black man as being a disease.
Another awful thing about racism, because I don't see anything good about it, is that there are examples of such a thing in the animal kingdom as well which shows how unreasonable it is for humans. There have been accounts of white dogs disliking dark colored dogs more just because of that difference. All dogs want to attack, but these accounts are of vicious fights, worse than any seen before by the owners. This is real bad, because dogs are colorblind, so apparently they looked hard for this difference, found it, and hated it, just as we humans tend to do. As the human race we should be different than the animal kingdom by having the ability to reason and understand, but I guess we are all just animals in the end. This occurrence of such hatred may be slightly understandable if it were only in certain groups, instead it seems like a natural thing for man kind. Any person, whatever the color, finds a difference in someone and dislikes her for it.
The amount of today's United States' population that I have encountered on the subject of racism will tell u they are not racist, but the truth is many of them are and don't realize it. A lot of times the idea that another group is worse than another comes from your environment or the way you grew up. Whether people believe it or not, you develop a lot of your political and moral beliefs from your parents. Long ago most of the country was racist somehow and that has been passed on and shouldn't have been. I hope my generation doesn't do the same thing to their children and teach them to pre judge as my peers do today, usually not noticing it.
I have a great expectation for this country of mine as well, to be racism free. I want to be able to walk into a room of 50 people, being the only Caucasian there and not be looked at oddly once. That is a far fetched dream for even this century. We are already entreating a second millennium and have so many problems that everyone needs to come together on and refuse to. WE all come from the same God, made in his image. Who cares what the sun did to the human race's skin thousands of years ago. Maybe one day with so much radiation, we will all be as dark as the night sky, but until then we need to all look past the exterior and to the inside. No one should comply with the terms of racism. Everyone needs to treat each other as they would themselves, that's something we were to learn in kindergarten, no matter what the color of their skin.


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