Heather's Journal

Sunday, October 31, 2004

My Parents and I Go to the Carnival

When I was seven years old, my mother and father took me to an exciting carnival. The entire thing was set up on a large field on Norfolk Naval Base, which we lived near, right in front of a Marine Exchange. There were great rides there, along with music, games, and a ton of junk food. I was very excited and could not wait to start having fun.

First, we all played some carnival games. Many were hard and we lost, but my dad won the tough dart game. The dart game was not normal darts though, it was when you were given three darts and had to throw them at a target covered with water balloons and if you popped the balloons worth a certain number of point you won a teddy bear. After winning this prize, he gave the teddy bear to me and my face lit up like there could never be a better gift. My mom and I also won a game, a much simple one, Ring Toss. This was when we through wide rings at empty soda bottle that were lined up and if you got more than one ring over one you would win. We achieved this and for winning this game we each got bouncy balls and got to choose what color of ball we could get.

When we were done with al the great games, we decided to go no some rides, but on our way we passed a big stage. On it were local bands and after them were some people singing karaoke. We stayed and watched the amateur entertainment for a w while. I was amused at first, but after three or four acts I began to get restless to go on the rises, so we left and headed toward the Octopus. This ride consisted of eight different seats made to hold two to three people each. Once the ride began each seat would start spinning individually. Then the entire ride would spin in the opposite direction of the seats. It also had a picture of an octopus printed on it, giving it its name. That ride scared me a lot and made me dizzy, but my dad made it fun by joking around and laughing a lot. After this thrilling ride we all went on my favorite ride, the Ferris wheel. I loved this ride, because you could see really far when you were on the top, including the entire carnival and all the lights.

We had a great time on the rides, but soon we all became hungry so we got the only thing you could get to eat at a carnival, junk food. This made me quite happy and I was able to choose what to eat all night. By the end of the night, I had eaten cotton candy, ice cream, and a caramel apple. I was stuffed after all that and nearly exhausted from everything that happened all day. So all three of us decide it was a good time to go home. We were home before nine and it may have been a short night for my parents, but I will never forget that carnival when it was just me and my parents, totally happy together.


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