Heather's Journal

Monday, August 30, 2004

Things Just Happen

Dear Journal,

Sometimes thing happen and there isn't anything you can do about it. People are going to jump to conclusions or make mistakes no matter what you say. There is always going to be someone who gets on you nerves and there will always be someone to blame you for the conclusions she has jumped to. I have realized all of these things because of what have encountered not only recently, but in my life as a whole, but what I am going to say is the best example I can come up with from my own life that I can remember well.
The instance that occurred in my life that brought up these topics happened at church last Wednesday night. One of the leaders in the church, an older lady, who had gone camping with the youth group, decided she didn't feel that all of the teenagers had treated one of the other teenagers properly. After she elaborated on this, the situation was simply that she didn't think the teenagers "accepted" this other teenager as one of the group. This seemed understandable; except for the fact the teenagers did treat her, the other teenager, as one of the group. Every last member of the youth group, especially the girls, went out of their ways often to help try to please the other girl or try to make her not sad. This seemed to just be one girl who could not leave well enough alone. She cried, screamed, gossiped, and did many other things before and during the campout. Still, the teenagers included her in every game or hike that was participated in. She just wanted constant attention and when this girl did not get it she whined or just exaggerated everything possible until someone responded. Anything that happened to make her feel left out had nothing to do with the other teenagers who were all wrongly accused and lectured for not treating someone fairly when, in reality, they all did.
This goes to show that everyone is going to have something happen to them that will just annoy you to no end. The annoyance in this situation may either be this girl or the church leader who decided to make everyone of the teenage girls do an exercise to learn kindness. This exercise was of something that would normally be done in children's church. I, myself, was accused of saying things to this girl to make her feel bad and I can assure you I am not at fault. I don't know what happened or what was said exactly, but I am almost certain everything conclusion was come to because this leader does not know this girl well at all. She may know her mother, but not the child, herself, because if she did she would not feel the need to treat the other teenagers like 5 year olds. There is a great word called socialization, this is what needs to happen with that child who has been on trip after trip, camping or not, with all these same teenagers for the past year. If she felt bad or left out I don't think she would come time and time again knowing she would d spend weekend in direct social contacts with the other individuals. Everything that occurred was just a big mistake and the leader was out of line for lecturing and accusing the teenagers. Maybe I am out of line for writing all this down, but either way, I feel better and this is all over with. I hope nothing like this has to happen again, because if this leader was worried about the girl leaving the church or something along those lines. I can confidently say that I was probably one of the most left out on this camping trip and after such accusations I, not this girl everyone is worried about, would be the most likely to pull from church social interactions if my family and future family were not so involved. Hopefully, everyone has learned their lesson and me to for talking about this with others afterwards. In conclusion, no matter how good or not good you are things are just going to happen and we are all just going to have to deal as I am with this.


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