Heather's Journal

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Bring Him Back to Me

You never know how much you will miss someone until they go. All your feelings get bottled up inside and you can’t express them unless that one special person is present with you. You long to be with him every moment, every second, of each and every day, but you can’t. This emotion is robbed from you. You have so much love to give, but the only one you can give it to is gone. Not gone forever, but it just seems like it. He wil come back, that is certain. He loves you just as much, but there are other things in the way, other things like work, like money, like the military. No matter how much you want to be together, you just can’t. You will be together one day though. One day in the not to distance future you will never have to go through this long goodbye again, or so you hope. For with this kind of profession you never know, no matter what other people say. The risk is high, but for love it had to be taken. Everyday is like an endless prison sentence. This is a different kind of torture though, a torture that can be controlled by no one, loneliness. You can be surrounded by thousands of people and still feel lonely without your true love. This one person is the only one who can make you feel unalone. It is amazing only he can love you and how you can only love him. It is just breath taking how the passion never fades. The tears never stop when he is away. If you are not crying on the outside you are forever crying on the inside, because this kind of pain does not stop. All you do is think about him, all you do is worry about him. Who knows what is going on where he is. You wonder if he is safe and if everything will be okay. You begin to feel like a mother worrying of her child, but this is a different kind of worry. It is more of fear, fear of losing your reason to live.
Without him you feel as if you may be nothing. With him you are everything, but he is gone and you are still you. This is the only good that comes from this loneliness, discovering yourself, by yourself. You do not need a year to do this though and as time drags on you feel more and more alone. You begin to lose purpose. All you want to do is be with, just for a second. Of course you know that wanting one second leads you to want another and yet another. God forbid you are actually given those seconds and then want hours. Patience is a key and something you must have. Patience is a foundation of love and a virtue as it says in the bible. Even so you can’t help but want him back with you more and more with each passing day. It needs to stop, this yearning for your soul mate. You know it will, but why not now? When it does though, it will come again, but hopefully, oh so hopefully, it will not be to th extents it has been in the past year. I will never need to be convinced this is who I am to be with. I know that better than I know myself. I just need this part of my life, my love, to come back to me, quickly and safely, to replace these current feelings with perfect and wonderful emotions that are the greatest evidence of God known to man. Science could never create what I feel inside when I am with him.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Universe and Us

The Universe is made up of so many different things. First and foremost there would be our galaxy, possibly others, but we do not know anymore to exist. Then there are the planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the last one commonly argued to not be a planet. Among these great masses of elements is the Sun, right in the center, all in perfect orbit. If this perfect Solar System is not evidence of a God then nothing is. That is how great the universe we live in is and on these many planets, only one holds life. That is our planet, Earth.

Earth contains everything living that we know to exist, plants, animals, and yes humans as well. The plants go about their business, producing food, involving themselves in photosynthesis and all is great until an animal comes by, like a bug or a plant eating mammal. This begins the glorious, natural way of survival, the food chain. The top of this chain is not the fierce lion or the giant elephant, no it is the human being. This proves how much size does matter, because if it did we would no longer exist. The rhino and other large animals would have long dominated our lives if size determined power. It doesn’t though and the humans domesticated animals fairly quickly in the earliest times of existence and as a result controlled the food chain, not just animals, but plant life as well.

This order of things is still continuing on Earth today and many times people seem to forget how much more is out there than just the human race and the wildlife we rarely come in contact with anymore. Every human is but a mere dust speck in our vast universe. When a person looks up into a dark night sky, full of stars, is when she usually realizes this the most. Seeing the moon and the stars and how many billion of light years away they are could make anyone feel invisible. We are all like cogs in a huge machine, but we all do have a purpose on this Earth. That is just unknown to most.

Our purpose on Earth involves not only our own being, but that of others. We must take into account the lives of others just as the planets, stars, and moon take into account each other, none over lapping or invading each other’s space. The moon controls the Earth’s tides and the stars create beautiful pictures, working together yet respecting each other as we all should as humans to one another. We need to do our tiny part in this great universe to make it the best it possibly can be. God blessed us with so many things in this galaxy and who knows what else may lie beyond Pluto, far in the depths of space? We won’t know unless we find it out for ourselves. We need to take care of all of this too and be the best human beings to the plants and animals we can be.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Ivan the Terrible

Hurricane Ivan is coming a shore in our great United States. I fear for the lives of all the residents in Ivan's pathway. If they have evacuated then I fear for their homes and all they have left behind. Hurricanes and any natural disasters are just what their name implies, disasters. These horrific storms are things I wish upon no one, no matter who they are. The wind and the water get so out of control. It is one of the scariest things I can think of, trees falling, and death occurring.

I asked my friend Ami what she thought of when she thought about a hurricane and she immediately responded, "my dad's truck and all the pain and agony it caused my family." This is one tremendous example of suffering a hurricane can bring to someone and their loved ones. In this case Ami's family was without personal transportation for quite sometime, because five trees smashed into her father's pick-up truck. This was her father's only way of getting of getting to work and so it hurt them financially until they were able to figure out a way to get him there without disrupting his wife's oddly houred work schedule. Even worse things happen on account of hurricanes all over the nation and much worse will of course come from the evil that is Ivan.

Ami's hurricane catastrophe was an example of hurricane Isabel that hurt America, but my other friend, Josh's family may be getting hurt even worse by the upcoming hurricane, Ivan. He lives in Pensacola, FL and is expecting it to destroy his family's shed that his deceased father built. This is going to hurt his family, not financially, but more emotionally. Aside from this destined to fall shed the family is poor and going to hurt financially by leaving town for the period of time the hurricane is in existence in their city. Josh and his family will be okay, but they will have to build their lives back up again along with their property when they return home. I hope the horrors of this hurricane do not come to Virginia Beach, VA, but I think I would rather myself be harmed than others.

Hurricanes are one of the unexplained occurrences of life, involving wind rain and water and resulting in all kinds of suffering. Ivan is a category five hurricane, which means it will be more destructive than Isabel, which was a category four when it hit us in Virginia Beach, VA. I would never want anyone to have to go something like a hurricane or a tornado or other related storms for that matter. A lot of times it is not as bad as people make them out to be, but you just never know if that one tree that falls out of thousands will be the one to land on your home.