Bring Him Back to Me
You never know how much you will miss someone until they go. All your feelings get bottled up inside and you can’t express them unless that one special person is present with you. You long to be with him every moment, every second, of each and every day, but you can’t. This emotion is robbed from you. You have so much love to give, but the only one you can give it to is gone. Not gone forever, but it just seems like it. He wil come back, that is certain. He loves you just as much, but there are other things in the way, other things like work, like money, like the military. No matter how much you want to be together, you just can’t. You will be together one day though. One day in the not to distance future you will never have to go through this long goodbye again, or so you hope. For with this kind of profession you never know, no matter what other people say. The risk is high, but for love it had to be taken. Everyday is like an endless prison sentence. This is a different kind of torture though, a torture that can be controlled by no one, loneliness. You can be surrounded by thousands of people and still feel lonely without your true love. This one person is the only one who can make you feel unalone. It is amazing only he can love you and how you can only love him. It is just breath taking how the passion never fades. The tears never stop when he is away. If you are not crying on the outside you are forever crying on the inside, because this kind of pain does not stop. All you do is think about him, all you do is worry about him. Who knows what is going on where he is. You wonder if he is safe and if everything will be okay. You begin to feel like a mother worrying of her child, but this is a different kind of worry. It is more of fear, fear of losing your reason to live.
Without him you feel as if you may be nothing. With him you are everything, but he is gone and you are still you. This is the only good that comes from this loneliness, discovering yourself, by yourself. You do not need a year to do this though and as time drags on you feel more and more alone. You begin to lose purpose. All you want to do is be with, just for a second. Of course you know that wanting one second leads you to want another and yet another. God forbid you are actually given those seconds and then want hours. Patience is a key and something you must have. Patience is a foundation of love and a virtue as it says in the bible. Even so you can’t help but want him back with you more and more with each passing day. It needs to stop, this yearning for your soul mate. You know it will, but why not now? When it does though, it will come again, but hopefully, oh so hopefully, it will not be to th extents it has been in the past year. I will never need to be convinced this is who I am to be with. I know that better than I know myself. I just need this part of my life, my love, to come back to me, quickly and safely, to replace these current feelings with perfect and wonderful emotions that are the greatest evidence of God known to man. Science could never create what I feel inside when I am with him.
Without him you feel as if you may be nothing. With him you are everything, but he is gone and you are still you. This is the only good that comes from this loneliness, discovering yourself, by yourself. You do not need a year to do this though and as time drags on you feel more and more alone. You begin to lose purpose. All you want to do is be with, just for a second. Of course you know that wanting one second leads you to want another and yet another. God forbid you are actually given those seconds and then want hours. Patience is a key and something you must have. Patience is a foundation of love and a virtue as it says in the bible. Even so you can’t help but want him back with you more and more with each passing day. It needs to stop, this yearning for your soul mate. You know it will, but why not now? When it does though, it will come again, but hopefully, oh so hopefully, it will not be to th extents it has been in the past year. I will never need to be convinced this is who I am to be with. I know that better than I know myself. I just need this part of my life, my love, to come back to me, quickly and safely, to replace these current feelings with perfect and wonderful emotions that are the greatest evidence of God known to man. Science could never create what I feel inside when I am with him.