Heather's Journal

Friday, October 08, 2004

Bush for President

I watched the debate early tonight and it intrigued my political devotion greatly. Three specific topics of the most recent presidential debate earlier tonight were the economy, mainly taxes, the presidential decisions of choosing court justices, and the war in Iraq. Kerry said he would not “go alone” in the time of war as President Bush did. This seemed to almost anger Bush as he jumped from his seat to defend himself. Kerry said he would not raise the taxes, but he planned on taxing the rich more than the poor. In response, George W. Bush said Kerry could not do this and that it was near impossible. Neither, Bush or Kerry chose someone to be a Supreme Court Justice if either of them were able to choose one in the future. What Bush did do was say he would choose someone who followed a strict interpretation of the constitution and would not be against the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools, because of the phrase, “under God.” In response to this Kerry pointed out Bush had said in the past that the United States needed Conservative Judges. Kerry also said that he, himself, would want Judges who “interpreted the Constitution according to the law.”

The majority of people, according to an online poll at yahoo.com and the reporter after the debate, have decided Kerry “won.” I don’t agree with this majority though and some would bring up the fact, I am a Bush supporter, but I don’t think that has anything to do with my opinion of who one this time. I am a moderate republican and I believe Bush laid down his stand on every issue firmly and properly and could not have done a better job. When it came to the discussion of abortion, Kerry stumbled around the answer of, “I am not against abortion”, even though everyone knows this about him already. This showed he was hiding what he stood for and no one should do that, especially not someone who wants to lead the United States. Kerry may make a great leader, but not now and not in the position of President. Bush has never been more right about Kerry than when he said other countries are not going to be with us in the war in Iraq and maybe not ever with Kerry as president, because Kerry himself has called the entire Iraq war a mistake. Kerry wants to get the help of other countries if he is elected, that is his plan and it will fail, no matter what anyone says in a debate or convinces someone else of. Bush needs to stay in charge, not Kerry, who as much as he denies it, has voted on different sides of the same topics numerous amounts of times. It is normal for someone like you or me to change their minds like this, forming their beliefs, but someone who wants to lead a country needs to know what they believe already, not be still discovering it.

Bush standing up and defending his view sin the debate after Kerry spoke should not be viewed as a negative thing as some articles have already said. This shows courage and determination. This demonstrates Bush’s desire to win and also to stand behind everything he has decided or will decide, unlike Kerry who tends to change his mind. With all this said, why do supporters of Kerry think he won the debate? I am not sure of this and would like to speak to a Kerry supporter just to see what they would say, because I am curious how someone could be on his side. The war has split many, but I don’t think anyone in Bush’s position, even Kerry, would have done differently. I do not feel Kerry won this debate, nor Bush, but that they have once again stated their issues and a true winner will be decided come November.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Diminished Meaning of Christmas

The real meaning of Christmas is being diminished throughout our society. Santa Claus has become what Christmas is about to many people. Receiving presents is something obsessed over instead of giving and loving like Christmas should be. Light displays and decorations have engulfed the time of people, encouraging competition and fights among neighbors. All these things are what happen around Christmas time when what should be happening is remembering the birth of Jesus Christ, the reason Christmas exists at all.

Children everywhere beg their parents to rush them to the nearest mall to see Santa Claus, a random man dressed in a red suit. They then write “Santa” a list of what they would like to get for Christmas and hope he considers them as being good boys and girls this past year. These children are convinced Santa Claus is why there is Christmas, as the story books say. Everyone, not just children, watch movies throughout the Christmas season all about Santa, as if he has anything to do with this great holiday. Everyone overlooks the real meaning of Christmas and moves on to the “fun” things like dressing up like an elf or learning about Santa and his reindeer.

Along with this major diversion are the presents Santa is suppose to bring to all those who are good. The time children spend making out lengthy lists of what they want is almost appalling. They ask and ask for everything they see on television or on the store shelves. Even non-believers of Santa Claus are guilty of such things. Everyone rushes through the malls, seeing Christmas shopping as a hassle, grabbing whatever is on sale for a friend or relative and then hoping they get something really good in return. The Christmas season has become all about what you get in material possessions instead of how much your friends, family, and Jesus get closer together because of the holiday.

Another distraction from celebrating the birth of Christ, are holiday decorations. People tend to obsess over whose house has more lights on it or which Christmas tree is bigger. This leads to conflicts and competitive attitudes that have nothing to do with the Christmas holiday. Material based actions like competing with your neighbors over who has more diminishes the meaning of Christmas entirely. It is sad how much this is around, there are thousands of light display contests every year and so everyone is going commercial, losing sight of Jesus Christ.

The true importance of Christmas needs to be made evident in our society. So many just let it go by and many children don’t know any better. This needs to be changed, but can only happen once all these remedial beliefs and traditions are replaced with profound ones. So, forget about the guy in red, who does not exist, and the lights and presents that were way too expensive and too much trouble anyway and concentrate on why the day of Christmas is even here to celebrate. This reason is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and He is what really matters.