Love Truely
When two people are apart for an extended period of time, who are in love, I believe the absence does make the heart grow fonder. This is only true; of course, if the love is real love, not fake love like lust or a temporary infatuation. Real love can conquer anything as story books have always said. Today true love needs to conquer so much more than it ever has with the way society is set up. With the divorce rate so high and sex selling so much, it takes a lot to hold on to your loved one, especially when you are apart. This is not a problem, though, if you are past these things of society that keep couples apart and have God and are truly in love, meaning you love a person with all you have and they love you back completely, no questions asked.
Contrary to poplar belief, love is not hard to find. Anyone can be in love and almost everyone claims to be, whether it be a school girl crush on a television star or a couple who has been married for 50 years, everyone seems to have someone they long for and love. What can be wrong with this common love is it not lasting or maybe it lasted like the married couple, but it is no longer evident in the marriage. People can become use to each other or dependent upon one another and stay together, no love involved, but that is usually the fault of a rushed in marriage or marrying for the wrong reasons. In other words, the love was not true love and so it does not stand strong, like it needs to, through the passage of time.
True love is the kind of love that is hard to find and well worth waiting for. I know people who have waited for their loved ones for at least a year, with each of them being an ocean apart through the whole time, because of the military. I know such instances for married and unmarried couples and what they all have in common is how the love never wavered afterwards. They are still holding together strongly and both the couples I know, who are also greatly involved in church and prayer, have still been married for over 10 years. I believe the reason their love is still as strong is because they found the person God had for them, their true love and they knew it. Absence did make the heart grow fonder because the correct person for each individual was known and the extreme caring that one had for each other was mutual, they were each other’s true love. Of course, they had to work hard at it too, with arguments and normal problems that everyone encounters, but without the basis of true love to build upon, it wouldn't have been able to last. Nothing else, but real love, promised by God, in a relationship, can get the two people through all the tears and issues of life, because with real love comes patience, respect, and perseverance, a kind that can only be seen among the truly in love.
Contrary to poplar belief, love is not hard to find. Anyone can be in love and almost everyone claims to be, whether it be a school girl crush on a television star or a couple who has been married for 50 years, everyone seems to have someone they long for and love. What can be wrong with this common love is it not lasting or maybe it lasted like the married couple, but it is no longer evident in the marriage. People can become use to each other or dependent upon one another and stay together, no love involved, but that is usually the fault of a rushed in marriage or marrying for the wrong reasons. In other words, the love was not true love and so it does not stand strong, like it needs to, through the passage of time.
True love is the kind of love that is hard to find and well worth waiting for. I know people who have waited for their loved ones for at least a year, with each of them being an ocean apart through the whole time, because of the military. I know such instances for married and unmarried couples and what they all have in common is how the love never wavered afterwards. They are still holding together strongly and both the couples I know, who are also greatly involved in church and prayer, have still been married for over 10 years. I believe the reason their love is still as strong is because they found the person God had for them, their true love and they knew it. Absence did make the heart grow fonder because the correct person for each individual was known and the extreme caring that one had for each other was mutual, they were each other’s true love. Of course, they had to work hard at it too, with arguments and normal problems that everyone encounters, but without the basis of true love to build upon, it wouldn't have been able to last. Nothing else, but real love, promised by God, in a relationship, can get the two people through all the tears and issues of life, because with real love comes patience, respect, and perseverance, a kind that can only be seen among the truly in love.